

Tune In | Radiant Rest

A candlelit evening of restorative yoga and live cello music 

Date: Friday 26th July
Time : 8.15-10pm (arrive 8pm for 8.15pm start) 

Guided by Ling, accompanied by Deborah Adelin (on cello)

Investment : $65 or

  • *$52 for Unlimited Members (this includes direct-debit memberships and upfront memberships 3 months and more)
  • If you would benefit from this offering, but experiencing financial hardship, please apply promo code: KINDNESS for a 20% discount.


An invitation for deep inner nurturance.

What to expect:

You will be be guided into progressive relaxation with restorative yoga postures that release physical tension and are deeply healing and nurturing for the nervous system.

Soothing cello music, specially composed for this immersion, will be played live, taking you deeper into the experience. 

Imagine attending a candlelit cello concert, lying on a nest of supportive bolsters, yoga props and blankets, guided into a state of radiant rest.  

You will leave with a renewed sense of well-being, clarity, ease and radiant calm. 

Date: Friday 26th July

Time : 8.15-10pm (arrive 8pm onwards for 8.15pm start) 

Investment : $65 or

  • $52 for Unlimited Members (this includes direct-debit memberships and upfront memberships 3 months and more)
  • If you would benefit from this offering, but experiencing financial hardship, please apply promo code: KINDNESS for a 20% discount.

All welcome.

No experience necessary. 

Come in comfortable warm clothes.

Bring your favorite socks, eye pillow, blankets and towels (to place over studio bolsters and props as covid-safe measures are in place). 

Bring also your journal or paper and pen. 

Do you know: 

The deep resonance of the cello creates wave patterns measurable and equivalent to brain pattern alpha waves (8 to 12 Hz), present when our brains are in idling default-states typically created when we’re daydreaming or consciously practicing mindfulness or meditation. In this state, we can not only listen with our whole body, but tap into powerful healing channels.


About Ling 

Ling is on a mission to calm and steady nervous systems. 

Ling’s classes are particularly grounding. Her approach is to empower personal practice, making deep connections and coming to yoga with enjoyment from the heart. Ling teaches intuitively and adapts to the group and energy at the present moment. 

About Deb Adelin

Deb has been playing cello for 33 years. Classically trained, Deb composes and plays her bespoke cello composition specifically for yoga and meditation events. Her composition also features in an internationally award winning humanitarian documentary that promotes understanding and acceptance. From Flow to Yin, Deb’s music speaks to the vast experience of being human; the ups, downs and in-betweens. She believes that music touches humans in ways that words may not, using musical story-telling and exploration to support participants’ through their yoga and meditation practises.

Heart Song

💛 A beautiful evening of restorative yoga and live singing, chanting & mantra 💛


WHEN: Saturday 10th August

TIME : 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm (arrive 7:20pm for 7:30pm start)

Guided by Emma Gilmartin. 

Emma is a passionate yogi, professional singer
and a
 Singing Teacher and Music Lecturer at Monash Univerity and Boxhill Institute.

INVESTMENT: $60 ($48 for Retreat Members)

with Emma Gilmartin

An evening of yin/restore yoga accompanied by Emma’s beautiful singing, to relax and to unwind.

Join Emma for this evening yin/restore class, with the added benefit of live singing (mantras and improvisations). No previous experience required.

Yin and Restorative yoga will be used to connect with the body and cultivate an inner awareness. The practice will deepen connection to the internal state and calm the nervous system, promoting the effects of conscious relaxation and bringing you into the healing capability of your own body. Accompanied by chanting, the body and inner landscape will drop deeper into relaxation and you will feel your mood enliven.

Date : Saturday 10th August
Time : 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm (arrive 7:20pm for 7:30pm start)

Investment : $60

*$48 for Unlimited Members (this includes direct-debit memberships and upfront memberships 3 months and more)

All welcome.

No yoga or singing experience necessary.

What to expect:

*Welcome and Introduction

*Yin/restore class accompanied by Emma’s singing


*Emma will then teach a few simple chants and mantras

Do you know:

chanting can decrease stress, anxiety and depressive symptoms, as well as increase positive mood, feelings of relaxation and focused attention. You might be interested in learning more here.


About Emma:

Emma found yoga to be a tremendous support for her career as a singer and a singing teacher. She experienced many improvements, including reduced performance anxiety and a much greater sense of ease whilst on stage. For Emma, the practice of yoga is the perfect accompaniment to a career in singing. Emma performs regularly with vocal group Coco’s Lunch, and with her jazz quartet in venues throughout Australia and beyond. Emma is a music lecturer at Monash University and Box Hill Institute and teachers yoga here, at The Retreat Yoga Studio (usually accompanied by her beautiful chants).

NURTURE – An Embodied 6-hour Retreat

Join Pru at the very beautiful Retreat Yoga Studio,
for an experience of self-care, deep rest, and embodied, compassionate, connection within.

Where: The Retreat Yoga Studio
184 Through Road Camberwell

Investment: $295

  • 20% discount for Unlimited Members (this includes direct-debit memberships and upfront memberships of 3 months and more)
  • If you would benefit from this offering, but experiencing financial hardship, please apply promo code: KINDNESS for a 20% discount.

6th September
3:00 pm – 9:00 pm
(arrive 2:45 for a 3:00 pm start)

Limited to 16 participants

No yoga experience required, all welcome.

Please bring a notebook and pen

NURTURE – An Embodied Retreat

A six-hour Mindful & Somatic experience to nurture
Body, Mind, Heart and Soul.

We start with gentle movement, inquiry and somatic release, sound healing, then break for a nourishing meal and connection with like-minded new friends. We return for a deep Inner Child experience, an opportunity to attune to the wisdom of the body and discover true self-compassion

The day leaves us with a deeper connection to self, with new insight, understanding, compassion, and a feeling of vitality as we embrace our authentic nature.

I look forward to sharing this beautiful and rejuvenating journey with you.

Limited to 16 participants

Date : 6th September

Time : 3-9pm (arrive 2:50 pm for a 3:00 pm start) 

Investment : $295

  • 20% discount for Unlimited Members (this includes direct-debit memberships and upfront memberships 3 months and more)
  • If you would benefit from this offering, but experiencing financial hardship, please apply promo code: KINDNESS for a 20% discount.

No yoga experience required, all welcome.

Please bring a notebook and pen

Host: Pru Trundle

Pru is an experienced yoga teacher and registered Counsellor
with an integrative approach to yoga, psychotherapy and somatic therapy.

She opened The Retreat Yoga Studio in 2016 and developed

Mindful Somatic Yoga Therapy
a course for embodied healing: trauma, anxiety.

Pru puts her whole self into her classes, courses and retreats.
She loves nothing more than creating a safe and supportive environment,
and sharing the transformational practices of yoga and psychotherapy.

Chakra Flow and Sound Healing

Date : Friday 13th December
Time : 7:00 pm – 8:45 pm (arrive 6:50 pm for a 7pm start) 

Investment : $60*

*$48 for Unlimited Members (this includes direct-debit memberships and upfront memberships 3 months and more)

*If you would benefit from this offering, but experiencing financial hardship, please apply promo code: KINDNESS for a 20% discount.

CHAKRA Flow and Sound Healing
with Pru Trundle

In this practice, you will embark on a journey through the chakras, the energy centers that govern your physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Through gentle movement, somatic release and sound healing, you will release tension and blockages in your energy body, and cultivate a deeper connection with yourself.

Pru will guide you through a practice that enlivens your energy body,  supports your nervous system, and culminates in a deeply restorative yoga practice accompanied by the sublime sound of crystal bowl healing. Toning the vagal nerve, activating your parasympathetic nervous system, and working on a deep cellular level to promote relaxation, balance, and well-being in the body and mind.

Whether you are seeking to connect with your inner sense of aliveness, restore balance to your energy body, or find a sense of deep inner peace, this workshop is the perfect opportunity to rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit. Join Pru for this embodied exploration, and experience the profound benefits of Chakra Flow and Sound Healing.

All Welcome, no yoga experience required.


In 2019, I had the pleasure of spending a week studying with Anodea Judith (Eastern Body, Western Mind) at Kripalu in Massachusettes. She opened my eyes to the energy body, Chakra Psychology, and using Somatic Therapy to shift stagnant energy. I am grateful to have learned so much from my time with Anodea as her student, and as her assistant when she was in Melbourne. Her insightful teachings inform many of my own.

Date : Friday 13th December
Time : 7:00 pm – 8:45 pm (arrive 6:50 pm for a 7pm start) 

Investment : $60*

*$48 for Unlimited Members (this includes direct-debit memberships and upfront memberships 3 months and more)

*If you would benefit from this offering, but experiencing financial hardship, please apply promo code: KINDNESS for a 20% discount.

“The body is the vehicle, consciousness the driver. Yoga is the path, and the chakras are the map.”

Anodea Judith



A night to relax, re-balance, restore & rejuvenate

with Restorative Yoga and Traditional Chinese Medicine

WHEN: Friday TBC

Time : 7pm-9pm (arrive 6:50pm for a 7pm start) 

Guided by Pru & TCM Drs. Andre & Beatrice

Investment : $65 or

  • $52 for Unlimited Members (this includes direct-debit memberships and upfront memberships 3 months and more)
  • If you would benefit from this offering, but experiencing financial hardship, please apply promo code: KINDNESS for a 20% discount.

Somatic Rest & Acupuncture
Limited to 12 participants.
Dr Andre, a Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor of 20+ years, and owner of The Oriental Sage near by in Canterbury, is joining Pru for this night of restoration and balance.
This event sees the integration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Somatic Rest, using each to enhance the therapeutic benefits of the other. Somatic Rest is a soothing, nurturing practice that brings a sense of balance and restoration to the nervous system, promotes the effects of conscious relaxation, self-awareness and brings you into the healing capability of your own body. Acupuncture can directly address the energetic blockages that form in response to the inevitable challenges of life. We will tend to the stored emotions that revolve around these, by working on the following organ systems and their respective channels, to help create balance again.
  • acceptance and letting go (lung & large intestine)
  • digestion and filtration (spleen & stomach)
  • detoxification, reflection & innate wisdom (kidney & bladder)
  • setting & reintegration of the spirit (pericardium & heart)

Limited to 12 participants

Date : Friday TBC

Time : 7-9pm (arrive 6:50 pm for a 7:00 pm start) 

Investment : $65 or

  • $52 for Unlimited Members (this includes direct-debit memberships and upfront memberships 3 months and more)
  • If you would benefit from this restorative evening but are struggling financially, please use the code: KINDNESS for a 20% discount.

All welcome.

No experience necessary. 

Come in comfortable warm clothes.

Please bring 2 towels (to place over studio bolsters and props)

Please note that a no skin penetration alternative will also be offered.

The Oriental Sage

87 Canterbury Rd, Canterbury VIC 3124, Australia
(03) 9077 8838

Spontaneous Movement

A night of somatic dance 


WHEN: Friday TBC

TIME : 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Guided by Indi Purnell


  • $24 for Unlimited Members (this includes direct-debit memberships and upfront memberships 3 months and more)

Spontaneous Movement – A somatic dance experience
with Indi

90-minutes of spontaneous movement.

Co-creating a shared and spacious space for moving, dancing, expressing, exploring from the basis of a ‘perfection’ defined by momentary authenticity. What happens when we pause, listen to, and follow intuitive signals — when we say “yes” to whatever is alive in the moment?
No mats, no prerequisites, no expectations (rather the lack thereof)… just an open floor, a mindfully curated playlist, gentle facilitation, and an invitation to play around with embodied experience. If there’s something in you feeling curious/spontaneous — I’d so love to see you there!

If you wish to delve deeper into an embodied movement/dance practice, and are looking for a safe community space to do it in, then this might be exactly what you’re looking for!

Everyone is welcome – no yoga or dance experience required. Just the courage to show up, and an openness to exploring new ways of being.


Date : Friday TBC
Time : 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Investment : $30

  • $24 for Unlimited Members (this includes direct-debit memberships and upfront memberships 3 months and more)

All welcome.
No yoga or dance experience necessary.

The Retreat welcomes young people aged 14 and older to our weekly classes,
and offers an amazing course designed specifically for 14-17 year olds:

Mindful Resourcing & Connection Building

a 6-week program for young people aged 14-17


WHEN: Thursdays TBC

TIME : 5:00-6:30pm
(arrive 4:50pm, for 5:00pm start)

Guided by Indi Purnell


Group size: 8 – 10

a 6-week program for young people aged 14-17

This 6-week ‘Mindful Resourcing and Connection Building’ program has been specifically designed with young people in mind. Why? Because existing as a young person is both a gift and a challenge, as well as an opportune time to cultivate skills and ways of being that are conducive to living an aligned and meaningful life.

We believe everyone deserves to be introduced to mindful resourcing and effective strategies for emotional regulation, honest reflection, and interpersonal communication – the sooner, the better.

This program incorporates a blend of psycho-education and embodied facilitation tailored to a 14-17 year olds. Whether it be through orienting, utilisation of the breath, movement, connection to voice, nature’s wisdom, or written word… we believe in cultivating a new norm of interdependence and regulated responsiveness, rather than isolated overwhelm and reactivity. In other words, we can support one another (with whom we share environment) from a place of disconnection to connection – in sometimes seemingly small, yet cataclysmic ways.

Through our intimate group sizes we get to co-create a container of safety for explorative expression. Each session is uniquely infused with meditation, group contemplation, embodied resourcing, and playful connection building – creating new possibilities for both being and relating.

Participants are introduced to relevant tools, invaluable resources, and transferable skills that are strengthened through practice, and can be accessed well beyond their adolescent years. ’Tis the offering I wish I had, and for that very reason, my pleasure to host.

I invite you (or your loved one) to come be human, practice in community, and get a taste of what’s possible. 

Where: The Retreat Yoga Studio, 184 Through Road, Camberwell

Who: Young People (aged 14-17 years)

Dates: Thursdays TBC

Time:  5:00-6:30pm (arrive 4:50pm, for 5:00pm start)

Investment: $270 (SIX SESSIONS)

Group size: 8-10


Facilitated by Indigo Purnell – a familiar face at The Retreat Yoga, having taught there since 2021. Indigo was born and raised in Melbourne, is a recent Graduate of Psychological Sciences, an established Yoga and Embodied Movement Facilitator, Outdoor Educator, Mental Health Outreach Worker, and now – Founder of ‘Invitational Being’.

Invitational Being is a startup motivated to help people live more connected lives – to self, each other, and the places we inhabit – tending to the holistic health of our humanitarian ecosystems.

The creation of Invitational Being has, by extension, given rise to this very program!



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