
Winter Shiatsu Yin Immersion


WHEN: Saturday Evening, 7:15 pm – 9:15 pm (arrive 7:00 pm for a 7:15 pm start) 

Guided by Jana Higgs (Yoga Teacher and Shiatsu Practitioner),
with Shiatsu touch provided by professional Shiatsu Practitioners

Investment : $75 or

$60 for Unlimited Members (this includes direct-debit memberships and upfront memberships 3 months and more)

This immersion involves touch.

No yoga or fitness levels required – all welcome

Limited to 15 participants.


Shiatsu Yin 2 hour Immersion

A 2-hour immersion of moving Inwards to your Yin state of being.

In Shiatsu Yin we incorporate the two practices of Yin Yoga and Shiatsu touch to offer you a deeper and more nourishing experience while holding Yin postures.

Shiatsu is a Japanese form of body work. Shiatsu has adopted the same philosophy and principles of East Asian Medicine. This form of bodywork creates flow and balance of Qi and allows release for any physical or emotional holdings.

Yin poses are held for 4 – 5 minutes. In which each pose helps open and release the deepest layer of the muscle, the fascia, where the meridian lines lie. East Asian Medicine works towards and into Meridian Lines to support the body’s functioning. Both Shiatsu and Yin Yoga marry up beautifully to target the meridian lines and assist in nourishing and strengthening the areas of focus.

When holding these Yin Yoga postures an experienced Shiatsu practitioner will come around to the area and meridian of focus and offer Shiatsu touch, including palming, finger pressure, and acupressure holds to enhance the Yin Yoga postures.

As we start to feel the season change and the energetics of our environment contract, draw down and come to a pause. We arrive in the season of Winter. The deepest Yin of the cycles in Nature.
This period of Winter is our time of Yin rest, retreat and reflection. It is the time of stillness and listening to nature, as the plants and animals move into hibernation around us.
There is an invitation to harness these qualities. To also slow down, turn inwards and find stillness within ourselves.

The Winter season holds resonance with the water element, the movement of water is inwards so it’s natural that the emotion sinks and contracts.
“ water seeks the lowest and deepest places”
Tao Te Ching.

In slowing down we restore our deepest foundational energies, our ‘Jing’, which is our genetic makeup, and material basis of Qi.
By nourishing this Yin aspect of the body we allow ourselves to experience rest, nourishment and find a deep connection with ourselves.

When we align ourselves with the seasons we are more open to receive the gifts the season brings and we can access more of our own gifts in the process.

Winter Shiatsu Yin will offer the opportunity for you to receive this nourishment and restoration, as it softens you into the depths of your being.

From the depths of this winter consolidation, the seeds of new beginnings are planted which give fruition to our growth and expression in the future.

Shiatsu Yin offers restoration to the body and emotional balancing for the mind. By encouraging movement and flow within our internal, we can more purposefully create flexibility and flow within our external.

All levels of fitness and flexibility are welcome and anyone that loves to receive a little bit of touch.

(We recommend eating a light meal 2 hours before the event)


Date : Saturday Evening,
7:15-9:15 pm (arrive 7:00pm for a 7:15 pm start) 

Investment : $75

  • 20% discount for Unlimited Members (this includes direct-debit memberships and upfront memberships 3 months and more)

No yoga experience required, all welcome.

Limited to 15 participants